Cardinal Joseph Cardijn: Founder of the JOC/YCW, Council Father at Vatican II
Born 13 November 1882.
Died 24 July 1967.
Foundation of the YCW
1912: First teams of young teenage girl workers created in Laeken.
1915: First boys teams.
1919: Foundation of the Jeunesse Syndicaliste (Young Trade Unionists)
1922: JS movement becomes part of the ACBJ (Belgian Catholic Youth Association)
1924: Statutes adopted and name changed to Jeunesse Ouvrière Chrétienne (Young Christian Workers)
1925: Cardijn meets with Pope Pius XI who gives his approval to the JOC.
1925: First National Congress held.
1926: First JOC teams created in France.
1927: French JOC formally constituted.
1927: Death of Victoire Cappe, early collaborator of Cardijn in the development of the JOC at Laeken.
1935: First International Congress in Brussels with mass rally at Heysel Stadium attracting 100,000 participants.
1957: International Pilgrimage and First International Council of the International Young Christian Workers.
Australian YCW
Archbishop Justin D. Simonds |
1930: Future Archbishop Justin Simonds learns of YCW while studying at Louvain.
1936: Campion Society member Kevin T. Kelly learns of French JOC; enters correspondence with Cardijn's adjunct, Fr Robert Kothen
1938: Paul McGuire and Fr John Fitzsimons publish Restoring all things: A guide to Catholic Action.
1939: Kevin T. Kelly publishes the ACTS pamphlet, Young Christian Workers.
1941: Archbishop Mannix formally approves foundation of Melbourne YCW.
1943: First National Congress held.
1947: Ted Long attends YCW International Congress in Montreal, Canada.
1950: Fr Lombard and Australian delegates attend International Congress, Brussels.
1957: Australian YCW delegates take part in Pilgrimage and World Council, Rome
1958: Cardijn visits Australia with Maria Meersman
1966: Cardijn makes his second visit to Australia.
Victoire Cappe, a founding animator of the JOC in Laeken in 1912; born 18 March 1886; died 29 October 1927.
Fr Frank Lombard: Founding chaplain of the Australian YCW; born 26 April 1911; died 28 July 1967, four days after Cardijn.
Fr Hugh O'Sullivan: Diocesan chaplain Adelaide YCW, national chaplain Australian YCW; chaplain International YCW Asia-Pacific; born 28 August 1939; died 18 May 1997.
Mgr John F. Kelly, writer and editor of the YCW Leaders Bulletin, pioneer educator and catechist; born 1910; died 1992.
Archbishop Justin Daniel Simonds: Episcopal chairman of the Australian YCW; born 22 May 1890; died 3 November 1967.
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